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01 - 7 of 3502 results

I am a Full Stack Developer, currently working as Ruby on Rails & Vue Js Developer at DevDen. Additionally, I also have expertise in Django and Django...

$20 / hr 4

am a UI/UX Designer with 10 years of industry experience. I love working with people, especially if they have the same passion I have for what they do...

$20 / hr 4

Adobe Certified Expert - Commerce Developer and have 8+ years of experience in E-commerce. If you are looking for an experienced and a dedicated hard...

$65 / hr 5

My true passion is the excitement of launching new products or re-designing services. Nothing is more satisfying than starting a new business and I pa...

$70 / hr 4

High vitality, enthusiasm, and development are two or three things I bring to the table. I'm an outcome-driven programming designer, mainly focusi...

$70 / hr 4

I am Abdullah as an accomplished Mechanical Engineer with 07 years post qualification experience in a cross industry setting, I thrive to be successfu...

$80 / hr 4

I am a Fresh Computer Science graduate and a full-stack developer with 1 years of experience. I spend most of my time with hands on different areas, f...

$80 / hr 3.5
01 - 7 of 3502 results

I am a Full Stack Developer, currently w...

$20 / hr 4

am a UI/UX Designer with 10 years of ind...

$20 / hr 4

Adobe Certified Expert - Commerce Develo...

$65 / hr 5

My true passion is the excitement of lau...

$70 / hr 4

High vitality, enthusiasm, and developme...

$70 / hr 4

I am Abdullah as an accomplished Mechani...

$80 / hr 4

I am a Fresh Computer Science graduate a...

$80 / hr 3.5