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01 - 7 of 3517 results

A highly resourceful, innovative and competentFront-end developer with extensive experience in the layout, design and coding of websites specifically...

$10 / hr 5

To work in an organisation which provides me with ample opportunities to enhance my skills and knowledge along with contributing to the growth of th...

$10 / hr 5

Hi, I work for a large multinational company for whom my tasks include data extraction and reporting in various forms, devising reports and new system...

$10 / hr 5

I am a dedicated and passionate embedded hardware/firmware engineer with 5+ years of professional experience developing complex embedded products, I a...

$90 / hr 5

Dedicated and efficient full stack developer with 2+ years experience in application layers, presentation layers, and databases. Certified by freecode...

$18 / hr 5

FreeLancer with specialization in various fields. Passionate and dedicated to work. Expertise in the following:- CRM Integrations CRM Setup CR...

$80 / hr 5

A man on a mission to become the best cyber security consultant within the industry. I started my journey within Cyber Security back in 2019 and now...

$80 / hr 4.33
01 - 7 of 3517 results

A highly resourceful, innovative and com...

$10 / hr 5

To work in an organisation which provide...

$10 / hr 5

Hi, I work for a large multinational com...

$10 / hr 5

I am a dedicated and passionate embedded...

$90 / hr 5

Dedicated and efficient full stack devel...

$18 / hr 5

FreeLancer with specialization in variou...

$80 / hr 5

A man on a mission to become the best cy...

$80 / hr 4.33