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Detailed oriented individual, working for more than 2-years within the domain of E-Commerce as a full stack developer. Currently, as a Lead Magento d...

$80 / hr 5
$20 / hr Yet to be rated!

Hi there Hope you are doing well. My name is Tufail Altaf and I am a React / React Native frontend developer. Whether it is a mobile app or a web app...

$15 / hr Yet to be rated!

Hi, I am M Umair Ahmed expertise in WordPress designing and development from last 3 years i created / customize more than 100 Projects for my online...

$5 / hr Yet to be rated!

I can design posters for you

$50 / hr Yet to be rated!

Hi, I am Rizwan working as a web and mobile hybrid application developer, for this I use react and react native also some different libraries.

$5 / hr Yet to be rated!
01 - 7 of 3502 results

Detailed oriented individual, working fo...

$80 / hr 5

Hi there Hope you are doing well. My na...

$15 / hr Yet to be rated!

Hi, I am M Umair Ahmed expertise in Word...

$5 / hr Yet to be rated!

I can design posters for you

$50 / hr Yet to be rated!
$8 / hr Yet to be rated!

Hi, I am Rizwan working as a web and mob...

$5 / hr Yet to be rated!
E-commerce Development including Website, mobile app