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01 - 7 of 3517 results

Ambitious to work as a Software Engineer, planning, developing and maintaining products and projects, guiding, leading and mentoring teammates and t...

$50 / hr Yet to be rated!

To work in a competitive, challenging environment to contribute the best of my abilities towards the growth and development of a progressive. To full...

$70 / hr Yet to be rated!
$50 / hr Yet to be rated!

My objective is to effort in a professional environment, to enhance and utilize my new thoughts, IT skills and knowledge My vision is to move forward...

$50 / hr Yet to be rated!

I am a highly competent in designing websites and managing databases. I have strong technical skills as well as excellent interpersonal skills. I am...

$50 / hr Yet to be rated!

Good communication skills, strong leadership skills, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, focused and punctual

$10 / hr Yet to be rated!
01 - 7 of 3517 results

Ambitious to work as a Software Engineer...

$50 / hr Yet to be rated!

To work in a competitive, challenging en...

$70 / hr Yet to be rated!
$50 / hr Yet to be rated!

My objective is to effort in a professio...

$50 / hr Yet to be rated!

I am a highly competent in designing web...

$50 / hr Yet to be rated!

Good communication skills, strong leader...

$10 / hr Yet to be rated!