01 - 7 of 3517 results
$10 / hr
$0 / hr
Seeking a job opportunity as a Software Engineer. Search for a position that will allow me to improve my current programming, communication and teamwo...
$15 / hr
A highly accomplished, Skilled, Knowledgeable Computer Science Student with extensive knowledge of Programming and Computer Applications. Looking for...
$10 / hr
To continually develop my ability to seek out creative solutions through my diverse interests and employ my leadership and communication skills to res...
$50 / hr
01 - 7 of 3517 results
$10 / hr
$0 / hr
Seeking a job opportunity as a Software...
$15 / hr
A highly accomplished, Skilled, Knowledg...
$10 / hr
To continually develop my ability to see...
$50 / hr
Crowdsourcing platforms like eBelong are well-suited for processing images. Companies have used these platforms to:
- Tag objects found in an image for easier searching and advertising targeting
- Select from a set of images the best picture to represent a product
- Audit user-uploaded images for inappropriate content
- Classify objects found in satellite imagery