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Gestor de Alguns projetos de Redes Neurais e Analista em BI com atuação em Projetos focado em soluções ágeis (SCRUM)

$60 / hr 5

Work as a team developing and delivering products and services of quality and excellence. Contribute my skills for the benefit of this institution.

$60 / hr 5

Sou entusiasta de desenvolvimento web e tecnologias SaaS para a cadeia de suprimentos. Sou pesquisador no campo de pesquisa operacional e otimização m...

$10 / hr 5

Pro³ssional apaixonado por ciências, que tem como objetivo ver suas criações e melhorias trazendo impacto positivo na vida das pessoas. Na minha con...

$10 / hr 5

Busco uma efetivação no mercado para ter como objetivo transmitir meus conhecimentos e perspectiva além de desenvolver minhas habilidades e conhecim...

$60 / hr 5

Hi, I am a graphic with over 10 years of experience. I design Logo, social media posts, banners, websites, desktop apps and android apps etc.

$25 / hr Yet to be rated!

Lots of customer service experience and some call center experience with extensive computer knowledge

$14 / hr Yet to be rated!

I am developing Java Struts and PrimeFaces software in an official institution. I have just started Android Flutter software and my knowledge of oracl...

$80 / hr 4

I am a creative freelance copywriter who enjoys new challenges and seeing a project brought to life through content marketing! I have the ability to c...

$80 / hr 4

Welcome! Top Rated services provider on Peopleperhour, Your satisfaction is my priority, Commitment and achievements are two improtant thing's to...

$60 / hr 5

I love to dig into customer problems and solve them with modern technology. I wish to create, scale and optimize business portfolios that matter. To a...

$5 / hr Yet to be rated!

Hi. I am your Data Science Project Consultant. Please discuss the project and problems before placing the order. I am a certified Data Scient...

$10 / hr Yet to be rated!
$0 / hr Yet to be rated!

I'm a young and talented video editor with 5 years of experience. My professional and reliable attitude has earned me a lot of successful long-ter...

$18 / hr 4

Detailed oriented individual, working for more than 2-years within the domain of E-Commerce as a full stack developer. Currently, as a Lead Magento d...

$80 / hr 5
$0 / hr Yet to be rated!
$0 / hr Yet to be rated!
Yet to be rated!
$0 / hr Yet to be rated!

Hi! I'm A Graphic Designer I Certified In Memon Industrial & Technical Institute. I Complete My Course Now I gain My Knownledge more. My Specialis...

$5 / hr Yet to be rated!
01 - 20 of 3502 results

Gestor de Alguns projetos de Redes Neura...

$60 / hr 5

Work as a team developing and delivering...

$60 / hr 5

Sou entusiasta de desenvolvimento web e...

$10 / hr 5

Pro³ssional apaixonado por ciências, que...

$10 / hr 5

Busco uma efetivação no mercado para ter...

$60 / hr 5

Hi, I am a graphic with over 10 years...

$25 / hr Yet to be rated!

Lots of customer service experience and...

$14 / hr Yet to be rated!

I am developing Java Struts and PrimeFac...

$80 / hr 4

I am a creative freelance copywriter who...

$80 / hr 4

Welcome! Top Rated services provider on...

$60 / hr 5

I love to dig into customer problems and...

$5 / hr Yet to be rated!

Hi. I am your Data Science Project Consu...

$10 / hr Yet to be rated!
$0 / hr Yet to be rated!

I'm a young and talented video edito...

$18 / hr 4

Detailed oriented individual, working fo...

$80 / hr 5
$0 / hr Yet to be rated!
$0 / hr Yet to be rated!

Hi! I'm A Graphic Designer I Certifi...

$5 / hr Yet to be rated!