I will do computer vision projects
Before placing any orders, please contact me.
Do computer vision projects related to CNN such as building new CNN architectures from the scratch in the following domains:
- Image Classification ( ResNet, DenseNet, EfficientNet, HardNet etc.)
- Image Segmentation (UNet, ResUnet, Attention UNet, UNet++ etc.)
- Object Detection ( YOLO V1 to V5, SSD, EfficientDet, etc.)
- GAN (SRGAN, SINGAN, etc. )
- Transformer-based network ( Attention all you need, BERT, ViT etc.)
- I have 4 years of experience in computer vision, demonstrated working history in the Medical domain and Action recognition field.
- I have a strong background in the research field, especially the medical domain.
Please message me for further queries. I can definitely help in computer vision projects.