The detailed onboarding is developed to help Companies successfully and seamlessly integrate new hires into the workplace.
+ offboarding included: This gig also includes an Off-boarding program to help with a smooth exit for outgoing employees.
The onboarding program is created to help new employees have a great onboarding experience and get familiarized with their role and the Company, which is an effective strategy for employee engagement and retention.
The Onboarding includes:
- User guide
- How to be successful at onboarding
- Pre-boarding steps
- First day activities
- Orientation and training schedule
- Orientation survey
- Welcome email
- 90-day performance guide
- Manager/Supervisor guide
- Learning/training plan
- New hire 30-60-90 day plan
- Monthly performance journal
- Onboarding survey
The Offboarding Includes:
- User Guide
- Detailed and customized offboarding processes
- Manager's Offboarding checklist
- Employee offboarding checklist
- Exit interview questionnaire
- Knowledge transfer form
- Employment termination guide
The New Hire Orientation:
Customized new hire presentation.
Let's get started with an excellent Onboarding now!