Open source evangelist with 9+ years of experience as a full stack developer, developing intuitive and bespoke web and mobile applications. Founder of BITBYTEZ (a small digital agency with 20+ custom business solutions delivered). I have spent past few years freelancing and contracting for some of the most exciting startups including GoodWeave, TRIPLI (AOL Fish Bowl Incubatee), CareGiver Asia pte. ltd., Funimation, NYUStern Business School, WIBO, Southwestern Colleges and CarePlanners. Focus skills include: - Architecture designing and scalability - Ruby (Rails, Sinatra) - PHP (Laravel, WordPress, Zend, CodeIgniter, Drupal) - JS (Vanila, NodeJS) - Linux Ubuntu server management with AWS, Digital Ocean, Rackspace - Source code management with GIT and Mercurial - SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB) - Front end development support - Proficient in using APIs, including: Facebook, Twitter, PayPal, Soundcloud, LastFM and Instagram - Payment solutions integrations including: Paypal (Simple & Adaptive APIs), Buckaroo, iDeal,, Stripe, BrainTree