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01 - 7 of 3517 results

Work as a team developing and delivering products and services of quality and excellence. Contribute my skills for the benefit of this institution.

$60 / hr 5
$50 / hr Yet to be rated!

Busco uma efetivação no mercado para ter como objetivo transmitir meus conhecimentos e perspectiva além de desenvolver minhas habilidades e conhecim...

$60 / hr 5

Gestor de Alguns projetos de Redes Neurais e Analista em BI com atuação em Projetos focado em soluções ágeis (SCRUM)

$60 / hr 5

Undertook the key role of implementing an IT infrastructure from scratch. Designed, developed and deployed a new system running over wireless and 3G n...

$60 / hr 5

Welcome! Top Rated services provider on Peopleperhour, Your satisfaction is my priority, Commitment and achievements are two improtant thing's to...

$60 / hr 5

I am a seasoned programmer who, since retiring from full time commercial IT work, has developed expertise in Microsoft and Google Office software. Pr...

$60 / hr 5
01 - 7 of 3517 results

Work as a team developing and delivering...

$60 / hr 5

Busco uma efetivação no mercado para ter...

$60 / hr 5

Gestor de Alguns projetos de Redes Neura...

$60 / hr 5

Undertook the key role of implementing a...

$60 / hr 5

Welcome! Top Rated services provider on...

$60 / hr 5

I am a seasoned programmer who, since r...

$60 / hr 5